The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
727 Manitou Avenue Box 992
Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829-0992
(719) 685-1137
Release 3
August 16, 1988
Copyright (C) 1986-1987-1988 by Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
727 Manitou Avenue
Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829
by Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
All of the programs in this package, and the manual that accompanies
them are copyrighted by Peak InfoSystems, Inc. All rights are
If you intend to use the software in this package on a regular basis,
we require that you register your copy of GENERAL LEDGER II with us by
sending a copy of the information on the registration form at the end
of this preface.
A second copy of the registration form is included with the software
under the name, "invoice".
Your registration application must be accompanied by the specified
fee, payable in United States currency. We accept Master Card or
VISA, and we will accept your personal check.
Non-registered users are hereby granted a limited license to use Peak
InfoSystems, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER II programs on a trial basis, and to
copy the full package for trial use by others. This permission is
subject to the following limitations:
1. A complete copy of all disks, including documentation, must be
provided. It is a violation of our copyright to supply a less-
than-complete copy.
2. Each disk containing Peak InfoSystems, Inc. software must be
labeled with the following notice:
Copyright (C) 1986-1987-1988 by Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
3. No charge may be solicited or accepted for any part of Peak
InfoSystems, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER II.
4. No commercial or governmental use may be made of unregistered
Peak InfoSystems, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER II software.
Each registered user will receive the following:
1. A current copy of Peak InfoSystems, Inc. GENERAL LEDGER II.
2. Notices of updates as they become available. Notices will be
mailed to the address you furnish on your registration form.
There will be a charge for each update.
3. Telephone support. Each registered user is entitled to 15
minutes consultation time. If additional time is required, it
may be purchased at a rate of $50 per hour.
4. Information on other Peak InfoSystems, Inc. shareware.
Peak InfoSystems makes no representations or WARRANTIES with respect
to the contents of this publication or with respect to the computer
software it describes, and specifically DISCLAIMS any IMPLIED
Further, Peak InfoSystems reserves the right to make changes in the
content of this manual or the computer software it describes without
obligation to notify any firm or person of such changes.
Copyright (C) 1986-1987-1988 by Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
727 Manitou Avenue
Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829-0992
Phone: (719) 685-1137
Registration for Peak InfoSystems, Inc., GENERAL LEDGER II: $50.00
Colorado residents add 3% sales tax: $ 1.50
El Paso County residents add 1% sales tax: $ .50
Total enclosed:
[ ] Check [ ] Money Order [ ] Master Card [ ] VISA
Make check payable to Peak InfoSystems, Inc.
If Master Card or VISA: Card Number: _________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________
Name: ----------------------------------------
Firm or Agency: ----------------------------------------
Address: ________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: ________________________________________
Telephone: (Area)__________ Number ________________
1. OVERVIEW...................................................... 1
1.1 System Description....................................... 2
1.2 System Requirements...................................... 3
1.3 System Limits............................................ 3
1.4 Supplies................................................. 3
2. SETTING UP YOUR GENERAL LEDGER................................ 4
2.1 Planning A Chart of Accounts............................. 4
2.1.1 What an Accounting System Must Do................ 5
2.1.2 Balance Sheet Accounts........................... 6 Assets.................................. 7 Liabilities............................. 7 Capital................................. 7
2.1.3 Income Statement Accounts........................ 8 Revenue................................. 8 Cost of Goods Sold...................... 9 Expenses................................ 9
2.1.4 Account Categories............................... 9
2.1.5 Detail Accounts, Master Accounts, and Subordi-
nate Accounts.................................... 10
2.1.6 Departmentalization.............................. 10
2.2 Startup Date............................................. 11
2.3 Office Procedures and Security........................... 11
2.3.1 Data Security.................................... 11
2.3.2 Physical Security................................ 12
2.4 Preparing Your Disks..................................... 13
2.4.1 Floppy Disk System............................... 14 Single Data Disk System................. 14 Double Data Disk System................. 14
2.4.2 Fixed Disk System................................ 14
2.5 Notation Conventions..................................... 15
2.6 Configuring Your System.................................. 15
2.6.1 Company Name..................................... 15
2.6.2 Categories....................................... 15
2.6.3 System Defaults.................................. 17 Fiscal Year End......................... 17 Profit and Loss Account Number.......... 17 Income Summary Account Number........... 17 Check Register Default Account.......... 17 Cash Journal Default Account............ 18 Voucher Difference Default Account...... 18 Show P & L on journal Listing........... 18
2.6.4 Printer Control Codes............................ 18
2.6.5 File Paths....................................... 19
2.6.6 Passwords........................................ 20
2.7 Getting Started.......................................... 21
2.8 Learning The System...................................... 22
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3. STARTING AND ENDING -- THE MASTER MENU........................ 24
3.1 Journal.................................................. 25
3.2 Reports.................................................. 25
3.3 Accounts................................................. 25
3.4 Closing Checklist........................................ 25
3.5 Change Period Ending Date................................ 26
3.6 Quit..................................................... 26
4. THE JOURNAL................................................... 27
4.1 The Journal Screen....................................... 27
4.1.1 Work State....................................... 27
4.1.2 Voucher Number................................... 28
4.1.3 Date............................................. 28
4.1.4 Folio............................................ 28
4.1.5 Entry............................................ 28
4.1.6 Description...................................... 29
4.1.7 Difference....................................... 29
4.1.8 Transaction Window............................... 29
4.1.9 Work Zone........................................ 29
4.1.10 Bulletin Lines................................... 29
4.2 Adding Vouchers.......................................... 29
4.2.1 Start Voucher.................................... 30 General Journal State................... 30 Check Register State.................... 31 Cash Journal State...................... 31
4.2.2 Folio............................................ 31
4.2.3 Account Number Entry Level....................... 32 Finding an Account...................... 32 Editing a Transaction................... 33 Editing Header Information.............. 33 Changing The Entry Signal............... 33 Canceling a Voucher..................... 33 Completing the Voucher.................. 34
4.2.4 Transaction Description.......................... 34
4.2.5 Transaction Amount............................... 35
4.2.6 Cash Journal Automatic Balancing................. 35
4.3 Entering a Voucher -- A Summary.......................... 35
4.4 Editing Vouchers......................................... 36
4.5 Listing the Journal...................................... 36
4.5.1 Full Journal Listing............................. 37
4.5.2 Journal Totals Only.............................. 37
4.5.3 Single Account Listing........................... 37
4.6 Posting the Journal...................................... 38
5. REPORTS....................................................... 39
5.1 Transaction Report....................................... 39
5.2 Income Statement......................................... 40
5.3 Balance Sheet............................................ 41
5.4 End of Month Reports..................................... 41
5.5 Single Account Summary................................... 41
5.6 Trial Balance............................................ 42
- ii -
5.7 Department Reports....................................... 42
6. ACCOUNTS...................................................... 43
6.1 Adding New Accounts...................................... 43
6.1.1 Account Number................................... 43
6.1.2 Account Name..................................... 44
6.1.3 Account Type..................................... 45
6.2 Editing Accounts......................................... 45
6.3 Listing Accounts......................................... 46
6.3.1 All Account Listings............................. 46
6.3.2 Detail Account Listings.......................... 46
6.3.3 Department Account Listings...................... 46
7. CLOSING....................................................... 47
7.1 Closing Checklist........................................ 47
7.2 Closing.................................................. 47
8. ERROR MESSAGES AND DATA RECOVERY.............................. 49
8.1 Error Messages and Error Diagnosis....................... 49
8.1.1 System Errors.................................... 49 Not Enough Memory....................... 49 Couldn't Open .......................... 49 Couldn't Read ... or Couldn't Write
........................................ 50
8.1.2 Data Errors...................................... 50
8.2 Recovering Lost Data..................................... 50
8.3 Backups.................................................. 51
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Section 1 Overview
Peak InfoSystems' General Ledger II (GL II) is an automated book-
keeping system designed specifically for a small professional
Many of the accounting systems on the market today are aimed at
the retailer, or wholesaler, who must keep elaborate inventory
records, extensive information on payables, and all of the details
associated with point-of-sale data capture.
If you need this kind of accounting system, nothing can take its
place. On the other hand, if you don't need all the "bells and
whistles", the amount of time you must spend on that kind of sys-
tem is frustrating at best. For a professional, whose billable
time is the only thing he has to sell, automating with such a sys-
tem can be prohibitively expensive.
GL II is a follow-on to a general ledger system written in FOR-
TRAN, in 1981 by Peak InfoSystems, Inc., under its prior name,
"H.S.D. Incorporated", and elegantly named, "HSDGL". HSDGL ran,
and still runs, on TRS 80* Models I, III, and IV in the hands of
professionals and small retailers and wholesalers. GL II retains
all of HSDGL's best features, and adds a few new features of its
HSDGL's main design objective was simplicity for the operator.
During its first four years of operation, we received many
requests from users to add various "features" that we deliberately
had left out of the system in order to keep it simple. We
evaluated each of these suggestions, added one or two, but
rejected most because they interfered with the simplicity we'd
MS-DOS** and the C Programming Language have provided flexibility
we didn't have when we wrote HSDGL, and we've been able to incor-
porate a few of the HSDGL suggestions in GL II without
* TRS 80 is a trademark of Tandy Corporation.
** MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Section 1 Overview
compromising simplicity: The Journal program, for instance, con-
tains a pre-posting list feature that lets you see what the post-
ing results will be, and make corrections if you want to, before
final posting. The Reports Menu includes a selection that lets
you print all of the mandatory end-of-month reports with a single
keystroke. Finally, we introduced "master" and "detail" accounts,
and "departmentalization" in such a way that, although they're
there, you don't need to use them, or even know anything about
Simplicity for the operator is still the key feature of GL II.
Once you use it, we think you'll find it very difficult to switch
to anything else.
1.1 System Description
GL II includes the following features:
* Up to 300 accounts that you define yourself, grouped into up
to 32 categories that you define yourself.
* Standard, pre-established, report formats that eliminate the
need for you to design reports.
* A simple configuration method that lets you use whatever
printer you happen to have available.
* A transaction entry method that lets you call for accounts by
name (or partial name) as well as by account number.
* A check register feature that automatically captures data on
all checking account activity.
* A cash journal feature that lets you create a doubly-posted
petty cash journal with just a single entry for each transac-
* A locked-in audit trail. GL II won't accept direct changes to
the balances in any of its accounts. In order to change a
value, you must make entries through the journal and print a
posting report that shows what happened. GL II uses serial
voucher numbers generated by the program. If something is
missing, chances are you'll know it. In addition, GL II won't
allow you to close an accounting period until you've printed
at least a Transaction Report, an Income Statement, and a Bal-
ance Sheet.
* Three levels of password protection.
* A data recovery utility that makes data loss through power or
equipment failure very unlikely.
Section 1 Overview
1.2 System Requirements
GL II requires an IBM PC or IBM PC look-alike with a minimum of
256 thousand characters (256K bytes) of internal memory and two
double-sided floppy disk drives. A fixed-disk based computer sys-
tem is required if you process more than about 2000 vouchers a
month. In addition, GL II requires a printer that can produce 132
character lines. Your printer may do this either in standard 10
pitch, using 14 7/8 inch-wide paper, or in compressed mode
(approximately 16.5 characters per inch), using 9 1/2 inch-wide
1.3 System Limits
GL II will accept a maximum of 300 accounts. The number of vouch-
ers (groups of account postings) that GL II will handle is deter-
mined by available disk space. If you're using a floppy disk sys-
tem, the maximum is about 2,100 vouchers per month. If you're
using a fixed disk system and can devote 1 megabyte to transaction
storage, GL II will handle nearly 6,000 vouchers per month.
1.4 Supplies
If you're using a floppy disk based system, you'll need several
high-quality magnetic disks to store your programs and data.
Since disks eventually wear out you should retire your working
disks periodically and replace them with new ones. We recommend
you do this about every 400 hours of working time.
Section 2 Setting Up
This section deals with the things you must do to install GL II
and configure it for your own business or professional practice.
Part of the job involves planning that you must do yourself.
Another part involves the purely technical tasks associated with
your computer system. If you read this section and feel uncertain
about some of the requirements for file distribution and backup,
you may want to hire a consultant who's familiar with computer
systems to help you.
2.1 Planning A Chart of Accounts
Instructions on how to physically prepare your disks and enter
your accounts begin in Section 2.4. Before you do these things,
however, you must decide what your accounting system is going to
contain, and create a logical arrangement for it in a "Chart of
Although every accounting system contains the standard segments
discussed in Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, unless you're running a gas
station or a fast food chain restaurant, there's no such thing as
a "standard" chart of accounts.
Although the thing that will help most to produce a good chart of
accounts is your own knowledge of your business or practice, some
of the information and ideas in the following paragraphs may help
you plan.
GL II is a "balance forward", "double entry" accounting system.
"Balance forward" means that at the end of each month, all tran-
saction details are posted to the various accounts, printed on
paper, and then deleted.
"Double entry" means that the balance of debits and credits in
each collection of related transactions (called a "voucher" in the
following pages) must be zero. Likewise, the balance of all
debits and credits in all the accounts in the general ledger must
be zero.
If you don't understand "debits" or "credits", or double entry
bookkeeping, we recommend strongly that you buy one of the many
simplified books available on the subject and learn what you need
to know.
Section 2 Setting Up
2.1.1 What an Accounting System Must Do
It's easy nowadays to believe that the only reason for maintaining
detailed books is to satisfy the Internal Revenue Service. But
long before there was an income tax and an I.R.S. -- long before
there was a United States -- people with businesses were keeping
double entry books. The reason they kept them was so that from
month to month they could determine whether their businesses were
making money or losing it.
If your business or professional practice is making less money
than it should, there are only three things you can do about it:
increase revenue, decrease expenses, or find another business or
To make a proper choice between the alternatives, you have to know
three things: how much revenue your business is taking in, how
much money goes to cover expenses, and whether or not the differ-
ence between the first figure and the second represents a satis-
factory income.
If you examine the things you do for your clients or customers,
you may find that a certain activity is consuming a lot of time,
but not producing much revenue. You may be able to improve your
income by reducing or eliminating that activity so you have more
time for activities that produce better revenues.
Sometimes individual expenses get out of hand. An example might
be the copier you're paying over a hundred dollars a month to sup-
ply and maintain. If it turns out you're only making six dozen
copies a month, you almost certainly can do the job for less by
going to the library once in a while to make copies for a dime
If you can identify both the revenues and expenses associated with
a particular business activity, examination may show that although
that activity is producing plenty of revenue, its expenses are so
high that its contribution to your income is low or nil. This is
a particularly difficult problem. It's hard to reduce or elim-
inate an activity that's putting lots of money into the cash
register. Only a "departmentalized" accounting setup is likely to
give you the information you need to make this decision.
These are all things you ought to think about when you design your
chart of accounts. A good accounting system should be able to
tell you about revenue, expenses, and net income, tell you if
you're heading for trouble, and help you make decisions that will
improve your financial results.
A good accounting system also should be designed to do these
things with as little effort as possible. Once you become aware
Section 2 Setting Up
of what an accounting system can do, it's easy to get carried away
and create a monster that includes an individual expense account
for paper clips, another for typewriter ribbons, etc. When you're
designing your system, remember that its purpose is to help you,
not to create hours of extra work for yourself or your employees.
If you're in doubt whether or not to include a particular account,
it's better not to include it. If you need that account, experi-
ence will tell you so, and you can add it later.
Above all, don't be afraid to change your accounting system when
you see that it needs change. In particular, make it a standard
practice to review your chart of accounts at the end of each fis-
cal year and change it, or completely redesign it, if your experi-
ence has shown you ways to get better information out of it.
Most businesses nowadays employ the services of an accountant or a
tax preparation agency at tax time. The tax laws change so
rapidly that it's almost impossible for any active business-person
or professional to stay abreast of them. Get your tax-preparer's
advice before you set your accounting system in concrete. Profes-
sional tax advice may help you design an accounting system that
can save you money.
2.1.2 Balance Sheet Accounts
Every accounting system can be broken into two major segments and
either five or six minor segments. In order to use GL II effec-
tively, you must know what these segments are and what they
The first major segment is what we'll call the "Balance Sheet"
A "balance sheet" shows you where your business stood at a partic-
ular moment, usually midnight of the last day of the month. The
balance sheet expresses what most accounting and bookkeeping text-
books call the "standard accounting formula",
"Owner's equity = assets - liabilities".
What this formula means is that if you add up the value of all the
things your business owns and then subtract all the money the
business owes, the difference represents what part of the business
you can lay claim to.
Balance sheet accounts can be grouped into the following three
Section 2 Setting Up Assets
Assets are the things your business or practice owns. When
applied to assets, the word, "owns" has a broader meaning than
you'd normally attach to it. "Accounts receivable", for instance
-- the amounts your clients owe you -- are assets "owned" by your
practice. If your company is a corporation, it will "own" its
"Organization Costs" -- a fictitious "asset" created by legisla-
tive fiat.
Most asset accounts are debit accounts. If your checking account
has a credit balance, it's overdrawn. On the other hand, the
asset segment of your ledger may contain some "offsetting" credit
accounts, usually to record depreciation and amortization. Liabilities
"Liabilities" are the amounts your business "owes". The main
account in this ledger segment normally will be "Accounts Pay-
If you're doing any retail selling, either as your primary busi-
ness or as a sideline to a professional practice, this segment
also should have a "Sales Tax Payable" account.
One account you may want to include under liabilities is a "pay-
ables" account to yourself. This is an easy way to handle petty
cash accounting in a business or practice where you make most of
the petty cash expenditures out of your own pocket. It saves set-
ting up a separate "Petty Cash" account in the "assets" segment of
your ledger, and then going through the formal procedures associ-
ated with a petty cash "box", and petty cash "vouchers". If you
create a "Payables" account to yourself, you may want to make it
the "Cash Journal Default Account" explained in Section Capital
Another word for "owner's equity" in the formula we gave in Sec-
tion 2.1.2 is "capital". The meaning of "owner's equity" is clear
if your business is a sole proprietorship, but it becomes a bit
fuzzy if your business is a corporation. A corporation uses capi-
tal accounts such as "Common Stock", "Treasury Stock", "Retained
Earnings", "Dividends", etc.
GL II requires two special accounts in the Capital segment of your
chart of accounts. You may number and name these accounts in any
way consistent with the category and account sequence required by
GL II, but they must exist:
1. Profit and Loss is an account manipulated wholly by GL II.
GL II uses this account as a repository for the difference
Section 2 Setting Up
between revenue and expenses, discussed in Section 2.1.3, so
that this difference can show on your balance sheet. Once
you've established your profit and loss account, the only
thing GL II will allow you to do to it is change its name.
After you've closed for the year, and before you've entered a
transaction for the new year, GL II will allow you to change
it in other ways.
2. Income Summary is the account to which GL II posts the annual
profit or loss when it closes your books for the fiscal year.
The reason GL II closes the year to "Income Summary" rather
than directly to "Retained Earnings", or "Owner's Equity" is
that after you close, final adjustments may still have to be
made to the profit or loss figure. While you're waiting for
depreciation adjustments from your accountant, you can go on
with the new year. When the adjustments are available, you
can post them to the appropriate accounts, including "Income
Summary", to get a true net profit figure, then transfer that
figure to "Retained Earnings" or "Owner's Equity", and clear
"Income Summary" in preparation for next year's closing.
2.1.3 Income Statement Accounts
An "Income Statement", or "Profit and Loss Statement" is a report
that summarizes the month's financial activity in your business or
practice. The Balance Sheet shows where you are. The Income
Statement shows how you got there. There are two simple account-
ing formulas that apply to the Income Statement:
"Gross Profit = Revenue - Cost Of Goods Sold"
"Net Profit = Gross Profit - Expenses"
In other words, the second major segment of your accounting sys-
tem, the Income Statement Segment, provides the information you
need to calculate profit and loss.
"Gross profit" and "cost of goods sold" are terms that apply only
if you're selling something other than your time or your services.
If you're running a straight professional practice and not selling
toothpaste or cold drinks on the side, the two formulas become
"Net Profit = Revenue - Expenses" Revenue
If you do only one thing as a professional, you may be able to get
by with a single account in the revenue segment of your ledger:
"Revenue". If you're a retailer, your revenue section might
Section 2 Setting Up
contain just two accounts: "Sales", and "Sales Returns and Adjust-
In most cases the situation will be a bit more complicated.
Remember, however, that the more revenue breakout accounts you
create, the more work you'll have to do to identify what goes
where. Keep it as simple as you can. Cost of Goods Sold
If you're a professional who does no retailing, you won't need a
"Cost Of Goods Sold" account category.
Many retailers see "Cost Of Goods Sold" as an expense account,
and, in fact, it's a special kind of expense. Keeping track of it
separately allows a "gross profit from sales" calculation, which
may be used in various ways explained in standard accounting text-
books. Expenses
Expense breakouts produce the largest number of accounts in most
accounting systems. The reason for this probably is that expenses
tend to be more controllable than other parts of the accounting
A traditional distinction for expense accounts is between "fixed
expenses", which remain relatively constant, and "variable
expenses", which vary in proportion to revenue. In a retail
operation, this distinction allows calculation of a "break-even
point": the minimum revenue that will keep the business from
suffering a net income loss. In a professional practice, where
expenses associated directly with revenue tend to be very low, the
"break even point" usually is very close to the total of "fixed
Somewhere in your ledger's expense account segment, you must
create a "Voucher Difference Account" to be used for the temporary
automatic balancing operation described in Section, and in
the data recovery operations described in Section 8.
2.1.4 Account Categories
We're going to switch terminology now, and begin calling the six
"minor ledger segments", "types". In other words, from now on,
we'll identify an "Asset" type of account, a "Liability" type, a
"Capital" type, "Revenue", "Cost Of Goods Sold", and "Expense"
The reason we want to do this is that we're about to introduce the
idea of "categories".
Section 2 Setting Up
GL II allows you to name up to 32 account categories, each of
which falls into one of the six "types". This means that if you
want to, you can break your asset accounts into categories called,
"Liquid Assets" and "Fixed Assets", or your expense accounts into
"Fixed Expenses", "Variable Expenses", and "Marketing Expenses".
GL II comes with six categories already named and defined. They
simply echo the six "types".
You may want to use several categories to improve the readability
of your reports. Remember, however, that the more categories you
add, the longer your reports will be, and the more time they'll
take to print.
2.1.5 Detail Accounts, Master Accounts, and Subordinate Accounts
In addition to letting you create categories of accounts and
obtain totals for the categories on your Income Statement, GL II
allows you to create "master" accounts with subordinate "detail"
Only "detail" accounts will accept transactions. If you don't use
GL II's "master account" feature, all your accounts will be detail
accounts, and you won't need to worry about the distinction. An
account remains a detail account unless you specifically change it
into a master account.
On the other hand, you may want to group certain accounts
together. If you do this, the amount shown in the master account
will be the total of amounts in all the master account's subordi-
nate detail accounts.
A master account may have up to 99 subordinate detail accounts. A
detail account appended to a master account has an account number
made up of the master account's four digit integer, followed by a
decimal point, followed by a one or two-digit integer.
2.1.6 Departmentalization
GL II allows you to use the two-digit integer in a subordinate
detail account as a department number. A "department" is a "pro-
fit center" in your business identified separately for cost
accounting. Departmentalization usually is applied to revenue and
expense accounts in order to determine whether or not a specific
operation within the business is making money.
Unless you know all about it and have some good reason for doing
cost accounting, don't attempt to use departmentalization.
Section 2 Setting Up
2.2 Startup Date
While you're designing your chart of accounts, give some thought
to when you're going to start using GL II to do your books.
It's easiest to start using GL II at the beginning of a new fiscal
year. The only figures you'll have to transfer from your old
accounting system are the previous year's ending balances from the
Balance Sheet. Once you've entered those amounts, you can do an
end-of-year closing with GL II and the switch-over will be com-
The next best time to start GL II is at the beginning of a month.
To do this, you'll have to enter figures for the previous month's
end-of-month balances in all your accounts, then close GL II for
the previous month.
If you decide to begin using GL II in the middle of a month,
you'll have to go through the beginning-of-month process, then
enter all the current month's transactions.
2.3 Office Procedures and Security
While you're planning for the switchover to GL II, give some
thought to the methods you're going to use to insure the accuracy
and security of your accounting data.
GL II includes a feature that lets you print all the information
in the journal before you post it. This report also shows you
what the beginning balance, net change, and ending balance will be
for each account affected by the month's transactions.
You can do a lot to insure the accuracy of your accounting data by
routinely comparing the journal listing against its source docu-
ments before posting takes place. If possible, this review should
be done by someone other than the person who made the journal
Security involves two things: making sure you don't lose informa-
tion you need for your records, and making sure your accounting
information is safe from prying eyes or tampering.
2.3.1 Data Security
The best way to keep from losing data is to be sure that the per-
son who does your accounting makes regular "backups" of the disk
or disks that contain your accounting data. Modern microcomputers
are very reliable machines, but a power failure during a working
session can cause everything on a data disk to be lost.
Section 2 Setting Up
You'll also want to provide secure storage for your accounting
reports. If you had a good physical security system for your
manual accounting documents, simply continue it for the reports
generated by GL II.
It's a good idea to run GL II for a month or so in "parallel" with
your manual system -- especially if you haven't used a computer
before. Not only will this kind of "parallel operation" make you
feel more confident about the accuracy of your accounting, it will
show you the similarities between your manual system and your
automated system. It takes extra work to do this, but usually
it's worth it.
GL II is a "balance forward" system. This means that at the end
of each month it "closes back" all detailed transaction informa-
tion for each account to a single "prior balance". If you try to
print an Income Statement after closing, all you'll get will be
the prior balance for each account. If you try to print a Tran-
saction Report, you won't get anything. If you want to be able to
re-print reports for any month, make an archival "backup" of your
data disks at the end of each month -- BEFORE you close out.
If various people in your office do the books, you'll probably
want to review GL II's posting reports periodically to make sure
that voucher numbers haven't been "lost". Each voucher is num-
bered sequentially by GL II. Numbers run from 1 to 999999 before
re-cycling. The operator has no access to the voucher numbering
system. If a voucher has been deleted, its number still will show
up on a posting report. A missing voucher number can result from
a printer failure, but it also can result from an attempt to "cook
the books".
2.3.2 Physical Security
If you're working with floppy disks, the best security measure is
to lock up your disks each night.
If you're working with a fixed disk system to which several people
have access, you may use the password protection system described
in Section 2.6.6 to give your files a reasonable amount of secu-
rity against disclosure or tampering.
Voucher numbering and passwords make it more difficult for someone
to "cook the books", but they don't eliminate the possibility. A
knowledgeable computer scientist (hacker or otherwise) with enough
time and computing power will be able to restore missing voucher
numbers and defeat password protection. The moral of this story
comes in two parts: (1) Don't put your books on a computer that's
connected to a telephone line through a modem, and, (2) If you
think there's a temptation problem in your office, or that there
might be one, lock up your data.
Section 2 Setting Up
2.4 Preparing Your Disks
The floppy disk supplied by Peak InfoSystems contains GL II's pro-
grams, plus empty copies of all the data files required for opera-
tion of the system. The files on this disk should be distributed
to working disks according to one of the plans discussed in the
following sections, and the original disk should be stored away in
case you want to re-start your system at a later date.
The files included on the Peak InfoSystems distribution disk are:
* LCONFIG.EXE A program that allows you to configure GL II to
the requirements of your practice.
* LRECOVER.EXE A program that may be able to recover the keys to
your data if you have a power failure during operation of the
system, or forget and remove your floppy disks before return-
ing to the operating system prompt.
* LCONFIG.DAT The data file that contains configuration data
entered through "LCONFIG.EXE". LCONFIG.DAT must always remain
on the floppy disk or in the fixed disk directory you're using
as a "default" during operation. In other words, when you see
the DOS system prompt, you should be able to say, "dir", and
see LCONFIG.DAT listed as one of the files.
* LCONTROL.DAT A data file that contains information on how many
entries you have in various data files, plus the keys that
allow you to access your data quickly.
* LACCOUNT.DAT A data file that contains GL II's account infor-
* VOUCHERS.DAT A data file that contains information on the
vouchers you enter as you go through the accounting period.
This file grows as necessary to fill the available disk space,
and is reduced to 8 bytes immediately after closing at the end
of the month.
* JOURNAL.DAT A data file that contains the transactions associ-
ated with GL II's vouchers. This file grows as necessary to
fill the available disk space, and is reduced to 80 bytes
immediately after closing at the end of the accounting period.
When you're considering how to distribute your files, remember
If you try to combine a data file from one set with data files
from another, you'll get wildly erroneous results when you try to
run the system.
Section 2 Setting Up
No matter what file distribution you make initially, you can
change the distribution later.
2.4.1 Floppy Disk System
If you're going to operate GL II with floppy disks, there are two
different ways to set up your system. Which one you choose will
depend on how many vouchers you expect to process in a month. Single Data Disk System
If you'll be entering less than about 1,800 vouchers a month, you
may place all the files with a ".DAT" extension on the disk in
drive "B:", except for "LCONFIG.DAT", which must remain on the
default "A:" drive.
The advantage of this configuration is that when you back up, you
need copy only the contents of drive "B:" to a backup disk. The
program disk in drive "A:" need not be backed up. Double Data Disk System
If you process more than 1,800 vouchers a month, you'll have to
keep all ".DAT" files, except for "VOUCHERS.DAT" and
"JOURNAL.DAT", on drive "A:", and put "VOUCHERS.DAT" and
"JOURNAL.DAT" on drive "B:", so that they can grow to the disk's
maximum capacity of around 2,100 vouchers.
If you use this configuration, you MUST set up a procedure that
insures you back up both disks, and keep the pairs of primaries
and pairs of backups together as discrete sets. If disks from
your primary and backup sets get mixed, your system may become
corrupted to the point where you'll have to start over.
2.4.2 Fixed Disk System
If you're operating a fixed disk system, you may put GL II's
".EXE" files in any active "path". You may also put all ".DAT"
files in a sub-directory away from the directory you're in when
you're operating with GL II. The only limitation on a fixed disk
system is that LCONFIG.DAT must exist in the default directory.
The usual setup is to place GL II's ".EXE" files in a standard
executable "path" directory, and then create a special sub-
directory to hold all of GL II's data files except "LCONFIG.DAT".
If your system is configured this way, change directory into the
special sub-directory, and then type, "GL" to run your accounting
system. To back up this configuration, simply back up the files
in your data sub-directory.
Section 2 Setting Up
2.5 Notation Conventions
Throughout GL II, two kinds of responses are called for.
If the menu on your screen contains a choice that begins with
"<3>", simply pressing the number "3" on your keyboard will select
that choice. The angle brackets mean that GL II won't wait for
you to press the <Enter> key.
If a menu says "[name]", you'll have to enter at least one letter
of a name, and then press the <Enter> key to tell GL II to accept
what you've entered.
2.6 Configuring Your System
Once you've distributed the files to fit your computer system, you
must configure GL II to the requirements of your practice. To do
this, make sure both "LCONFIG.DAT" and "LCONTROL.DAT" are in the
default directory and type, "LCONFIG". GL II's configuration menu
contains nine choices, explained in the following paragraphs.
For your first configuration, LCONTROL.DAT must be in the default
directory. Once you've given GL II the path to LCONTROL.DAT's
final resting place (Section 2.6.5), you may move LCONTROL.DAT to
that location.
2.6.1 Company Name
To enter your company name, press <1>. GL II will display the
current company name (a blank when you first start up), and ask
you for a new company name.
The line on the screen, following the cursor, is called a "prompt
line". In this case, it's 39 characters long, which is the max-
imum length of the company name. If you try to type in more than
39 characters, GL II won't accept the extra characters. If you
make a mistake, use the backspace key to back up over your mistake
so that you can try again. If you want to give up and start over,
press <Control-X> -- in other words, hold down the <Ctrl> key, and
press "X".
As soon as you press <Enter>, GL II will accept your new company
name, re-display it, and ask if that's what you want to use. If
what you entered is correct, press <Enter> a second time, and
GL II will take you back to the configuration menu.
2.6.2 Categories
To begin entering GL II's categories, press <2>. GL II will
display a screen with spaces for 32 category numbers and names.
The numbers are there to let you make a selection. Only the names
Section 2 Setting Up
will show on your reports.
Six categories are pre-defined: ASSETS, LIABILITIES, CAPITAL,
REVENUE, COST OF GOODS SOLD, and EXPENSES. If you're a retailer
with a simple accounting system (the best kind), GL II's pre-
defined categories may be satisfactory. If so, press <Enter> to
leave this section of the configuration menu.
Chances are you'll want to make some changes. If you're a profes-
sional with a simple accounting system, you may want to delete
On the other hand, it isn't really necessary to delete a category
you don't intend to use. If you define a category, but don't
assign any accounts to it, it'll never show up in your reports.
In fact, if there are categories within some of the basic account
types that you think you might want to use later, it's better to
define them now.
To select a category to change, enter the number of the category
and press <Enter>. GL II will give you a prompt line 33 charac-
ters long. If you press <Enter> at this point, nothing will have
been changed, and you'll be back at the original display.
To delete the category, press the "-" key. GL II will immediately
delete the category and take you back to the original display.
To change the category name, type in the name you want. As soon
as you've done this, GL II will move the cursor to the left of the
name you've just entered and will display the six category types
at the bottom of the screen. Press the number key for the
appropriate type. GL II will display the type you selected and
will take you back to the beginning display.
There's just one rule you must follow when you enter categories in
GL II: types must be in sequence. After you've entered an asset
category, followed by a liability category, you may not enter
another asset category after the liability category. GL II will
enforce this rule by beeping at you and printing an error message
if you try to enter a category whose type is out of sequence.
Section 2 Setting Up
2.6.3 System Defaults
Pressing <3> at the configuration menu takes you to LCONFIG's sys-
tem default menu.
System defaults 1, 2, 3, and 6, call for information GL II must
have to function properly. The other three are optional items
that save you typing, and make using GL II's transaction entry
journal even easier than it is without them. Fiscal Year End
GL II is delivered with the end of fiscal year month set to
December. If your fiscal year ends in some other month, press <1>
at the system defaults menu. GL II will ask,
"Month (number) Fiscal Year Ends ->"
Enter the number of the month that ends your fiscal year.
GL II keeps track of the months as you go through the year. When
the current month is the month that ends your fiscal year, GL II
will close your books for the year instead of for the month. Profit and Loss Account Number
The function of the Profit and Loss account was discussed in Sec-
tion Be sure you enter a Profit and Loss account number
at this point. When it comes time to enter your accounts (Section
2.7), be sure you enter a Profit and Loss account in the Capital
section of your ledger that has the same account number you
entered here. Income Summary Account Number
The Income Summary account also was discussed in Section
Be sure you enter an Income Summary account number at this point.
When it comes time to enter your accounts (Section 2.7), be sure
you enter an Income Summary account in the Capital section of your
ledger that has the same account number you entered here. Check Register Default Account
If you place a checking account number in this optional system
default field, GL II will use it in conjunction with the Check
Register feature (Section
Section 2 Setting Up Cash Journal Default Account
GL II's cash journal is a feature that allows you quickly to enter
a whole series of petty cash vouchers (Section 4.2.6). If you
place a petty cash account in this default field, GL II will use
it each time you enter a petty cash voucher.
Your cash journal default account may be a personal payables
account in the liabilities section of your ledger, as discussed in
Section, or it may be a "Petty Cash" account in the assets
section. Voucher Difference Default Account
Sooner or later you'll start a complex voucher, enter transactions
to several accounts, then discover that an account you thought was
in your Ledger simply isn't there. When this happens, there are
two things you can do: (1) abandon the voucher and re-enter the
transactions after you've created the new account, or (2) balance
the entry to a temporary account, create the account you want,
then come back and edit the voucher to change the account number
from the temporary account to the new account.
Once you enter a "Voucher Difference" account number in the system
default field provided for it, GL II automatically will use that
account as the temporary account for "What do I do now?" balances.
In addition, if you ever need to recover data after a crash, as
described in Section 8, GL II will use the Voucher Difference
account as a repository for entries and amounts that have lost
their original account associations. Show P & L on journal Listing
If you've split up the work in your office so that someone else
makes entries into your general ledger, you'll want that other
person to be able to list the journal, using the Data Entry pass-
word described in Section 2.7.6. You may NOT want the whole
year's profit or loss figure to come dumping out on a journal
listing. If not, you'll want to leave the flag that tells GL II
to include the profit and loss figure in a journal listing turned
off. To turn this flag on, press <7> at the System Defaults menu.
2.6.4 Printer Control Codes
If you operate GL II with a 132 column printer, and 14 7/8 inch
paper, you can ignore printer control codes altogether. On the
other hand, if you'd prefer the convenience of standard 8 1/2
inch-wide paper that you can top-punch and handle easily, you'll
need a printer that can be put into "compressed" mode (about 16.5
characters per inch), with a "software control" sequence.
Section 2 Setting Up
In addition, if you'd like to "jazz up" your Income Statement and
Balance Sheet by "emphasizing" the identifying line at the top of
each page, GL II can do that for you. (Note: Some printers won't
allow you to do this. If you use emphasize, and get an un-
compressed header that runs off the page, or wraps around, remove
the compress code before you continue).
Each printer has its own code sequences for the various opera-
tions. To find out what they are, look in the index of the manual
that came with your printer for a section on "control codes", or
something similar.
GL II requires that you find hexadecimal numbers for each code and
enter them. Hexadecimal numbers are numbers to base sixteen
instead of the "decimal" base ten most of us are familiar with.
Hexadecimal numbers include the decimal numbers 0 through 9, and
then continue with six letters -- A through F.
Your printer manual may list the hexadecimal codes under a heading
such as "Hex", "H", etc., or it may use "ASCII" names for the
codes. If your manual uses ASCII names, such as "ESC", "SO",
etc., it should also contain a table that converts these names to
decimal and hexadecimal numbers.
Enter the hexadecimal numbers for the codes you want to use. If
you're using 9 1/2 inch paper, BE SURE YOU ENTER THE CODES FOR
COMPRESS AND DE-COMPRESS. The others are optional.
2.6.5 File Paths
Once you've decided where to put your data files -- as discussed
in section 2.4 -- you have to tell GL II where you've put them.
The <5> option in GL II's configuration program lets you specify a
path for your voucher and transaction files, and a path for all
other files.
If you're operating with floppy disks, and you've selected the
single data disk option discussed in section, you'll want
both paths to say, "B:" -- meaning look on the "B:" drive for
If you're operating with the configuration discussed in section, where you have your voucher and transaction files on
drive "B:", and all other files on drive "A:", you'll want your
voucher and transaction file path to read, "B:", and your "all
other files" path to read, "A:".
If you're operating with a fixed disk, and you're using the file
layout discussed in section 2.4.2, you'll want to make both paths
Section 2 Setting Up
If you try to run GL II for the first time and get a message say-
ing "Can't open control.dat", chances are you've made a mistake
setting up your paths.
If you switch from a floppy disk system to a fixed disk system,
don't forget to re-set the data paths using this feature of LCON-
2.6.6 Passwords
GL II contains three levels of password protection that you may or
may not elect to use. When you first configure GL II, no pass-
words are activated. You're able to call up "GL" or "LCONFIG"
without being asked for a password. Once you enter a password,
GL II will ask you for the appropriate password each time you
attempt to carry out a function.
The "Data Entry" password is the lowest password level. If you
possess this password, you'll be able to activate GL II and enter,
edit, and list vouchers.
In order to post the journal, print reports, or enter or modify
accounts, you must possess the "Supervisor's" password.
To activate LCONFIG, close out a period, or change the "Period
Ending Date", you must have the "Master" password.
GL II uses a "tiered" password scheme. If you enter the Master
password when you first activate GL II, you'll be allowed access
to all features of the system without being asked for the
Supervisor's password or the Data Entry password. If you enter
the Supervisor's password when you activate the system, GL II
won't ask you for the Data Entry password.
Since this is true, activating the Supervisor's password without
activating the Master Password, or activating the Data Entry Pass-
word without activating the Supervisor's Password would be mean-
ingless, since the "no password" value of the Master Password
would override the value of the Supervisor's Password, and the "no
password" value of the Supervisor's Password would override the
value of the Data Entry Password.
For this reason, GL II insists that if you activate the
Supervisor's Password you also activate the Master Password, and
if you activate the Data Entry Password, you activate both the
Supervisor's Password and Master Password.
For the same reason, if you delete the Supervisor's Password,
GL II will delete the Data Entry Password, and if you delete the
Master Password, GL II will delete both the Supervisor's Password
and the Data Entry Password.
Section 2 Setting Up
To enter a password, make the appropriate selection from LCONFIG's
password menu. If you press <Enter> in response to the prompt,
GL II will ask whether or not you intend to use "No password?".
If that's what you want, answer "y" or "Y".
While you're entering a password, GL II blanks out what you're
typing. Once you've finished entering your password, GL II will
ask you to repeat it, just in case you made a mistake.
A password must be at least four characters long, and may be as
long as 31 characters.
Once you use LCONFIG, the data file "LCONFIG.DAT" becomes "read-
only", to prevent password tampering. You won't be able to modify
it or delete it. If you must delete "LCONFIG.DAT" for some rea-
son, use the <4> choice at LCONFIG's "CHANGE PASSWORDS" menu.
"LCONFIG.DAT" will remain unlocked when you leave the configura-
tion program.
2.7 Getting Started
Once you've designed your chart of accounts and configured GL II
to fit your own equipment and way of operating, there are three
things you still must do before you're ready to begin entering
First, invoke GL II by typing, "GL". You'll get the Main Menu
described in Section 3. Below the menu, you'll see a prompt that
New ending date (mmddyy) or <Enter> for -->_______
This is the "Change Period Ending Date" prompt, described in Sec-
tion 3.5. When you first start up, the blank after the word,
"for" indicates that the period ending date is blank. Using the
instructions in Section 3.5, tell GL II what the ending date of
your first month will be. This should be the last day of the last
month you closed out with your old system. GL II won't let you
continue until you do this.
Second, go to the "Add Accounts" function described in Section 6.1
and enter all the accounts in your chart of accounts. When you
finish, print any account lists you feel you need, following the
instructions in Section 6.3.
Finally, carry out the steps in the following checklist that are
appropriate for the time of the month you're making your conver-
1. Using the instructions in Section 4.1, enter the final bal-
ances from all asset, liability, and capital accounts in your
Section 2 Setting Up
old system, except "Profit and Loss". When you finish doing
this, the "Difference" figure at the upper right of the Jour-
nal Screen should be the amount of profit or loss reported at
the end of your last closing.
2. If you're starting at the beginning of a new fiscal year, bal-
ance the "Difference" in this voucher to your Income Summary
account, post the journal (Section 4.4), print the required
reports (Section 5.4), and close for the year (Section 7.3).
At this point, you're ready to begin using GL II for the new
3. If you're starting in the middle of a fiscal year, end this
voucher by automatically balancing the "Difference" to your
"Voucher Difference" account.
4. Enter the final balances from all revenue, cost of goods sold,
and expense accounts. Again, the "Difference" figure should
be last month's ending profit or loss. Balance this voucher
to your "Voucher Difference" account.
5. Post the journal, print the required reports, and close for
the previous month.
6. If you're starting at the beginning of a new month, you're now
ready to begin the new month. If not, enter all the current
month's transactions, print a journal listing, and make sure
the totals you get are the ones you should have. If not, go
back and correct the offending entries until you get the
correct totals. Once you've achieved that, post the journal
and you'll be ready to continue for the rest of the month.
2.8 Learning The System
In the following sections, we'll describe GL II's various programs
in the order of their most frequent use. You'll see GL II's main
menu most often, so that's covered first. Your most frequent job
probably will be making voucher entries, so that's covered second.
Printing reports comes third; entering and changing accounts comes
fourth; closing for the month or year comes last.
We recommend you read through the rest of this manual before you
begin using the system. By doing that, you'll learn where to look
for the information you need when you need it. If you feel uncer-
tain about some of GL II's features, or if this is the first time
you've used a computer, you might want to "play" with GL II for a
while before you begin using it for your accounting.
After you've followed the steps above and are ready to begin work-
ing with GL II, make a copy of your data disk. You can "play"
with the copy all you want without risking any of the information
Section 2 Setting Up
on the original. Using the copy, make changes in the accounts.
Enter, edit, and delete some dummy vouchers using the various
features described in Section 4. Print a journal list. Post the
journal. Print all of the reports. Close for the month. Go back
to the configuration program and change the fiscal year ending
date so that you can try an end of year closing. Try all of
GL II's features and become comfortable with them before you begin
working with the "real" accounting system. Just be sure that you
destroy the reports you make while "playing" so that they don't
get mixed up with the real thing.
Section 3 Starting and Ending
When you first "boot" your computer system, make sure you enter
the current date and time. Some of GL II's reports use the date
and time stored in the system clock to save you the trouble of
entering the current date and time over and over again. If you
bypass the date and time entry, these elements will be wrong. One
good way to make sure the date and time are current is to add a
"clock-calendar" board to your computer system.
If you're operating a floppy disk system, place your program disk
in drive "A:", your data disk in drive "B:", and make sure you
have an "A>" prompt. If you're operating a fixed disk system,
make sure you've changed to the sub-directory containing
Now, type "gl". The disk drives will run for a moment and, unless
the system has been improperly shut down, you'll see GL II's Main
If there was a shutdown problem, you'll see a message that says,
The system was improperly shut down. Run 'lrecover'.
If you see this message, either bring forward your backup, or run
LRECOVER as explained in Section 8. GL II won't let you continue
until you've done one or the other.
If you've used the password feature described in Section 2.6.6,
GL II will display its Menu and ask for a password. You may enter
the data entry password, the supervisor's password, or the master
If you use the data entry password, GL II will allow you to enter
vouchers, edit vouchers, and list the journal, but won't allow you
to post the journal or switch to any of the other menus without
giving the supervisor's password, or the master password.
If you enter the supervisor's password, you'll have access to all
of GL II's menus and most of its features.
If you intend to close for the month or year, you must enter the
master password, either now or later.
Section 3 Starting and Ending
Five choices are displayed on the screen. Each choice is preceded
by a number, surrounded by a pair of angle brackets. To select a
choice, press the associated number key.
3.1 Journal
If you press <1> from the Main Menu, GL II will take you to the
part of the program that lets you enter and edit transactions,
list and post the journal.
A "transaction" is an amount to be posted to a specific account.
Since GL II is a double-entry accounting system, if an amount is
to be posted to one account, at least one other amount must be
posted to a second account in order to balance the entries. Each
group of balancing transactions is called a "voucher".
The "Journal" is the collection of vouchers to be posted to your
general ledger accounts.
The Journal program is explained in Section 4.
3.2 Reports
Pressing <2> will take you to the part of GL II that allows you to
print reports such as the "Income Statement" and "Balance Sheet".
The Reports program is explained in Section 5.
3.3 Accounts
Pressing <3> from the Main Menu will take you to the part of GL II
that lets you establish new accounts, edit the information on
existing accounts, and print lists of accounts in numerical or
alphabetical order. The Accounts program is explained in Section
3.4 Closing Checklist
If you press <4> from the Main Menu, GL II will take you to the
program that closes your ledger for the month, or, if you've
reached the end of your business' fiscal year, the year.
There are certain things you must do before GL II will allow you
to close. The Closing Checklist displays a list of these things,
and tells you whether or not they've been completed. If they
have, GL II presents an option that will let you close. The Clos-
ing Checklist is explained in Section 7.
Section 3 Starting and Ending
3.5 Change Period Ending Date
If you press <5> from the Master Menu, GL II will allow you to
enter the date on which your current month ends. You'll have to
do this when you first begin using the system. After that, each
time you close, GL II will change the period ending date to the
last day of the following month. The only time you'll need to
change period ending date again will be if, for some reason, you
need to re-do a prior month. That should never happen if you've
made adequate backups.
3.6 Quit
To leave GL II, press <Enter> at the Main Menu. It's very impor-
tant that you always leave the program in this way.
If you're operating a floppy disk system, BE SURE YOU DON'T REMOVE
If you're operating a fixed disk system, BE SURE YOU DON'T SHUT
systems, the prompt may be "D>",or "E>", rather than "C>".)
The reason for this is that GL II uses a system of cross-pointers
and control information -- data you never see -- to make it easy
for you to find the information you want when you want it.
GL II's final job is to put its control information back into a
disk file so it'll be ready for you to use the next time you want
it. If you shut down or remove the disks without giving GL II a
chance to do this, you may lose data from your general ledger. If
this happens, follow the instructions in Section 8 to recover your
Section 4 Journal
GL II's Journal program allows you to enter the transactions that
record your business' or practice's monthly financial activity.
When you press <1> at the Main Menu, GL II will take you to the
"Journal" program, which allows you to enter, edit, list, and post
the transactions that make up your ledger.
A "transaction" is an amount to be posted to a particular account.
A "voucher" is two or more transactions which, taken together,
balance to zero. GL II's "Journal" is a file that holds the
vouchers you've entered.
Some of the vouchers in the Journal may be "posted". Others may
not. "Posting" is an action that does two things: First, posting
adds the amount in each transaction to the account specified for
it. Second, posting establishes a link between the account and
the transaction which allows other details of the transaction --
date, description, etc. -- to be associated with the account when
you print reports.
GL II allows you to list all un-posted vouchers, and modify them
as you see fit. Once a voucher has been posted, however, you may
not change it again. This restriction insures that changes in
your account balances can be traced through an audit trail.
4.1 The Journal Screen
When you begin to enter a new voucher, or edit an existing
voucher, GL II's screen presents the following information:
4.1.1 Work State
The Journal Screen is always in one of four "states". The
screen's "state" is identified by the line displayed at top
center. If you're entering a new voucher, the Journal Screen may
be in "GENERAL JOURNAL" state, "CHECK REGISTER" state, or "CASH
JOURNAL" state. If you're editing an existing voucher, the screen
always will be in "EDIT VOUCHERS" state. The features associated
with each state, and how you switch between them, are described in
later paragraphs within this Section.
Section 4 Journal
4.1.2 Voucher Number
The upper left corner of the screen shows the number of the
voucher being entered, or of the voucher being edited. Voucher
numbers are generated serially by GL II. The numbers run from 1
to 999999, then recycle beginning with 1. In order to insure the
integrity of your "audit trail", GL II makes no provision for the
operator to change a voucher number or interrupt the voucher
numbering sequence.
4.1.3 Date
As you enter vouchers, GL II keeps track of the last date you
entered. This keeps you from having to re-type the date each time
you enter a transaction. The date shown in the "Date" field is
the last date you entered. As soon as you modify the date, or
enter a new date, the "Date" field in GL II's Journal Screen
changes to reflect the change.
If you enter a date beyond the current period ending date, GL II
will say,
Date is beyond period ending date. Continue? (y/n)
If you press any key other than "n" or "N", GL II will continue.
This feature is included to help you avoid entering data for a new
month before you've closed the previous month. We've found our-
selves doing that, and several GL II owners have reported the same
4.1.4 Folio
"Folio" is another term for "Posting Reference". You should enter
a note of some kind in this field that "points" back to the docu-
ment or "book of original entry" from which the transactions in
this voucher were taken. If you're entering a check, for
instance, the "folio" field should contain the check number.
"Folio" is an important part of your audit trail.
4.1.5 Entry
The "Entry Signal" tells whether the amount you enter for the
current transaction will be recorded as a "DEBIT" or a "CREDIT".
To reverse the entry, use a minus sign at the beginning of the
amount you enter. In other words, if the Entry Signal says,
"CREDIT", and you want to enter a debit of $12.75, type, "-12.75".
Section 4 Journal
4.1.6 Description
The "Description" field contains a 33 character identification
line describing the purpose or nature of the voucher. In most
cases -- checks, for instance -- all of the transactions associ-
ated with a voucher will echo this "Master Description" field.
Each transaction can be given an independent "description" if
appropriate, however.
4.1.7 Difference
As you enter transactions for a new voucher, or edit the transac-
tions for an existing one, the Journal Screen's "Difference" field
shows the amount that must be credited or debited to some account
in order for the voucher to balance. In this field, as in any
dollar amount field displayed on the screen by GL II, a debit is
shown without an identifier, and a credit is shown with a "Cr"
appended to its right end. In other words, a debit of $12.75 is
displayed as "12.75", but a credit of $12.75 is displayed as
"12.75 Cr".
4.1.8 Transaction Window
The fields at the top of the screen contain information that
applies to the voucher as a whole. Beneath these "master" fields
is a "window" of up to 14 lines, used to display individual tran-
sactions associated with the voucher. If a voucher contains more
than 14 transactions, some of the lines will be out of sight.
Transaction lines beyond the range of the "window" can be scrolled
back into sight as explained in Section
4.1.9 Work Zone
The zone set off between single lines near the bottom of the
screen is the "work zone", where you will enter or edit each
transaction's specific information. This zone remains blank
unless you're entering a new transaction or editing an existing
4.1.10 Bulletin Lines
As you enter a new voucher, or edit an existing one, GL II prompts
you with (sometimes cryptically) brief messages regarding your
options. These messages, or "bulletins", are displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
4.2 Adding Vouchers
When you press <1> at the Journal Menu, GL II will allow you to
begin entering new vouchers.
Section 4 Journal
4.2.1 Start Voucher
When it first displays the Journal Screen, GL II will be in "GEN-
ERAL JOURNAL" state. You will have the following choices, indi-
cated by a bulletin at the bottom of the screen:
1. If you press the "Escape" key, <Esc>, GL II will take you back
to the Journal Menu.
2. If you press <G> or <g>, GL II will shift to "GENERAL JOURNAL"
state (Section and return to the Start Voucher
3. If you press <C> or <c>, GL II will shift to "CHECK REGISTER"
state, as explained in Section, and will return to the
Start Voucher display.
4. If you press <J> or <j>, GL II will shift to "CASH JOURNAL"
state, as explained in Section, and will return to the
Start Voucher display.
5. If you press <-> or <_>, GL II will "toggle" the "Entry Sig-
nal". In other words, if "Entry" says, "CREDIT", <-> will
switch it to "DEBIT". If "Entry" says, "DEBIT", <-> will
switch it to "CREDIT".
If you enter a date, GL II will go on to the next step in the
voucher entry sequence. You may enter a date in any one of four
ways. If the "Date" field is correct, simply press <Enter>, and
GL II will use the existing date in the new voucher. If you want
to change just the day, enter a one or a two-digit number. To
change the month and day, enter four digits in "mmdd" format. In
other words, to change to November 12th, enter "1112". To change
to March 6th, enter, "0306". To change the month, day and year,
enter six digits in "mmddyy" format. To change to March 16th,
1987, enter "031687". GL II understands the millennium change,
and will translate "031603" into "March 16th, 2003".
GL II's "default" state -- the one it's in when you first begin to
enter new vouchers -- is the "GENERAL JOURNAL" state. "GENERAL
JOURNAL" state will allow you to enter any kind of voucher,
including a check or a petty cash voucher. The other two states
aren't essential, and you needn't learn about them if you don't
want to. On the other hand, they do speed up entering the kinds
of vouchers they're designed specifically to handle. General Journal State
"GENERAL JOURNAL" state provides no special features. When you
enter it, "Entry" is set to "DEBIT".
Section 4 Journal Check Register State
If you've defined a "Check Register Default Account" in accordance
with Section, when you switch to "CHECK REGISTER" state,
GL II will simply change its Work State message to "CHECK REGIS-
TER", and will set "Entry" to "CREDIT".
If you haven't defined a "Check Register Default Account", or if
you've defined an account GL II can't find, the system will ask
you for the number of the account you want to use as a checking
account. Cash Journal State
If you've entered a "Cash Journal Default Account" (Section, when you switch to "CASH JOURNAL" state, GL II will
change its Work State message to "CASH JOURNAL", and its "Entry"
default to "DEBIT". If GL II can't find a Cash Journal Default
Account, it will ask you for the number of the account you want to
use as a petty cash account.
4.2.2 Folio
Once you've set the Work State you want and have entered a date,
GL II will ask you for a "Folio" entry. Enter a posting reference
that's not over 11 characters long. If you're entering a check,
you'll want to put the check number in this field. If you're
entering a petty cash voucher, you'll want to use the number of
the voucher. If you're copying an entry from a page in a general
journal book, you'll probably want to use an abbreviation, such as
"J" for the name of the source book, followed by the page number.
If you're in "CHECK REGISTER" state, and your last entry was a
check, GL II will increment the check number by one, display the
new number in the "Folio" field, and ask whether or not the new
number is "o.k.". If it is, simply press <Y>, or <y>, or <Enter>.
If not, press <N> or <n>, and GL II will allow you to enter a new
posting reference.
If you're in "CASH JOURNAL" state, and you've already entered a
posting reference, GL II will re-display the entry and ask if it's
"o.k.". Pressing <Y>, <y>, or <Enter> will take you on to the
next entry step.
No matter which Work State you're in, if you press <Esc> at the
"Folio" entry prompt, GL II will let you abandon the voucher.
Section 4 Journal
4.2.3 Account Number Entry Level
Once you've completed the "Folio" entry, GL II will ask you for an
account number. It also will give you an opportunity to carry out
several alternative operations. Finding an Account
If you want to continue entering a transaction, and if you know
the number of the account you want to use, enter the number.
If GL II can't find the account number you entered, or if you
press the <F1> key instead of entering a number, GL II will go
into Account Search Mode. In this mode, GL II will search for an
account number if you enter only digits, or will search for an
account name, or a partial account name if you enter alphabetic
The alphabetic search is based on whatever part of a name you
enter, and is not case sensitive. If you enter, "M" or "m", GL II
will find the first account whose name begins with "m".
If you enter a number, GL II will go to numeric search mode. If
you enter a name or part of a name, GL II will go to alphabetic
search mode. The arrow keys will move you "up" or "down" through
the accounts numerically or alphabetically, depending on which
search mode you're in. If you're in alphabetic mode and want to
switch to numeric mode, enter any number. If you're in numeric
mode and want to switch to alphabetic, enter any letter or
sequence of letters.
If you use the down arrow key to move past the last account, GL II
will "roll around" and display the first account. If you move
backwards past the first account, GL II will display the last.
Since you may not post a transaction to a master account, only
detail accounts will appear during a search.
If you decide to stop looking for an account, press <Esc>. If you
find the account you're looking for, press <Enter>.
If you're in "CHECK REGISTER" entry state, and this is the first
transaction in a new voucher, GL II won't ask for an account
number. Instead, it will find and load the account number for the
"Check Register Default Account", or the account number you
entered when you switched into "CHECK REGISTER" state.
Once you've accepted an account, GL II will display its number and
the first 27 characters of its name on the Work Line, and will go
on to the next step in the entry sequence.
Section 4 Journal Editing a Transaction
Pressing <F2> at the Account Number Entry level will allow you to
edit a transaction.
As soon as you press <F2>, the cursor will jump to the beginning
of the last transaction line you entered. If this is the one you
want to edit, press <E> or <e>. If not, use the arrow keys to
move up or down the transaction lines in the Transaction Window.
If you've entered more than 14 transactions, attempting to move
the cursor beyond the Transaction Window will cause the window to
scroll either up or down.
If the cursor is on a transaction you want to delete, press <D> or
<d>. GL II will ask if you really mean it, just in case you made
a mistake. If you answer the question with <Y> or <y>, GL II will
delete the transaction without further ado.
Once you've selected a transaction to edit, GL II will allow you
to change the transaction's account number, description, or
amount. Editing Header Information
If you press <F3> at the Account Number Entry Level, GL II will
allow you to change the voucher's date, folio reference, and
If you change the date or folio reference, GL II automatically
will make the change throughout the transactions in the voucher.
If you change the description, GL II will ask if you want to make
the change throughout the voucher. If you elect not to change all
transactions, the new description will be used in each new tran-
saction, beginning with the next one, but none of the previous
transactions will be affected. Changing The Entry Signal
To change the Entry Signal from "CREDIT" to "DEBIT" or vice-versa,
press <-> at Account Number Entry Level. Canceling a Voucher
If you've made a mistake that you feel is serious enough to war-
rant starting the whole voucher over, press <Esc> at Account
Number Entry Level. GL II will ask if you really want to delete
the whole voucher. Be sure you really want to delete the voucher
before you press <Y> or <y>. As soon as you press the key, all
entries in the voucher will be removed, and you'll be back at the
Start Voucher display, ready to begin re-entering everything,
Section 4 Journal
including date and folio reference. Completing the Voucher
Once you've entered all the transactions that belong in your
voucher, press <Enter> at Account Number Entry Level. If the
voucher balances at that point, GL II will transfer the voucher
information to a disk file and return to the Start Voucher display
so that you can begin your next voucher.
If the voucher doesn't balance, one of three things will happen:
1. If you've selected a balancing entry (Section 4.2.5), GL II
will move the voucher's "Difference" to the balancing entry
and will ask if you want to finish the voucher by balancing to
that account.
2. If you haven't selected a balancing entry, GL II will enter
your Voucher Difference Default Account automatically, as a
balancing entry, and will ask if you want to finish the
voucher by balancing to that account.
3. If you haven't selected a balancing entry and GL II can't find
a Voucher Difference Default Account, GL II will beep, say,
"** Voucher is not in balance **",
and wait for your next move. At this point, you'll have to
look through your list of accounts for something to use for
this voucher's temporary balance. GL II isn't going to let
you finish the voucher until it balances.
4.2.4 Transaction Description
As soon as you've selected an account, GL II will do one of two
If there's a description already in the "Description" header (Sec-
tion 4.1.6), GL II will echo up to 27 characters of that descrip-
tion in the Work Zone description field.
If you haven't yet entered a description, GL II will ask for one.
As soon as you enter the description, GL II will move it to the
"Description" header, and echo the first 27 characters in the Work
Zone description field.
If you've gotten this far by mistake, and want to wipe out the
voucher and start over, press <Esc>.
Section 4 Journal
4.2.5 Transaction Amount
Enter the amount of the transaction. The amount you enter will be
recorded as a debit or a credit according to the setting in the
"Entry Signal". If the Entry Signal says, "DEBIT", and you want
to enter a credit, enter the amount preceded by a minus sign. If
you want to enter a debit, and the Entry Signal says, "CREDIT",
precede the amount with a minus sign. Notice that when you enter
an amount, the "Difference" field in the upper right corner of the
screen changes to reflect the new difference in the overall
voucher balance.
GL II doesn't care whether or not you use commas with large
numbers. It will accept either "9,365,998.35" or "9365998.35" as
a valid amount.
GL II incorporates a feature which allows you to identify any one
of the transactions in a voucher as the "balancing entry". A
"balancing entry" is the transaction to which any "Difference"
remaining after all other transactions have been entered, will be
balanced, automatically.
If you want this particular transaction line to be the balancing
entry, press <Enter>. GL II will reflect a zero amount for the
transaction, and will display an asterisk ahead of the line in the
Transaction Window.
If you try to make a transaction the balancing entry, after you've
already selected a balancing entry, GL II will beep at you, and
"*** Balancing entry already selected ***".
4.2.6 Cash Journal Automatic Balancing
If you're in "CASH JOURNAL" state, as soon as you complete a
voucher's first transaction, GL II automatically will create a
transaction line using the "Cash Journal Default Account" (Section and will ask if you want to balance to that account.
This allows you to enter a series of petty cash transactions to
various accounts, and create a printed Cash Journal in the petty
cash account, on the Transaction Report (Section 5.1).
4.3 Entering a Voucher -- A Summary
To enter a voucher:
1. Enter a date (Section 4.2.1).
2. Enter a folio reference (Section 4.2.2).
Section 4 Journal
3. Select an account (Section 4.2.3).
4. Enter a description (Section 4.2.4).
5. Enter an amount (Section 4.2.5).
6. Repeat until all transactions have been entered:
a. Select an account (Section 4.2.3).
b. Enter an amount (Section 4.2.5).
7. Balance the voucher (Section
4.4 Editing Vouchers
When you press <2> at the Journal Menu, GL II will display almost
exactly the same screen you saw when you were entering vouchers.
The "State" shown at the top of the screen, however, will be "EDIT
VOUCHERS", and the number of the last voucher entered will show in
the "Voucher Number" field.
GL II will ask you for a voucher number. To use the Edit feature
effectively, you need to have listed the Journal (Section 4.5), so
that you have specific voucher numbers to refer to.
GL II won't let you edit a voucher that's been posted. If you
enter a number that's not within the range of currently entered,
but not posted, vouchers, GL II will beep and say,
"*** Voucher number out of range ***".
Once you've selected a valid voucher number, GL II will load all
the voucher's transactions, and will restore the screen informa-
tion for that voucher, exactly as it was before you balanced it
and saved it. If you've used the automatic balancing feature,
GL II will pull the amount out of the balancing transaction, and
will display it again as a "Difference".
At this point, you may do anything you could do when you were
creating the voucher. You may add new transaction lines, delete
or edit existing transaction lines, change the date or folio
reference throughout the voucher, and change any or all of the
descriptions in the voucher's transactions.
4.5 Listing the Journal
Once you've posted the Journal, you may not change what's already
been entered into your General Ledger, although you may modify
what's there with reversing entries. To catch and correct mis-
takes before you've posted the vouchers in your Journal, it's
Section 4 Journal
necessary to list the Journal.
To do this, press <3> at the Journal Menu. GL II will ask you if
you want a "<F>ull Listing", "<T>otals Only", or information on a
<S>ingle Account.
4.5.1 Full Journal Listing
A Full Journal Listing prints each voucher in order, showing
voucher number, folio, and date, followed by each transaction,
showing account number, account name, description, and amount --
in Debit (left) and Credit (right) columns.
Once it prints all the detailed information on un-posted vouchers
in the Journal, GL II prints a Totals Page which lists prior bal-
ance, net change, and ending balance for each account that has
been affected by the period's journal entries. Note that the
Totals Page shows the effect of all transactions in the Journal --
not just the un-posted ones.
4.5.2 Journal Totals Only
If you balance your checkbook manually as you go along, you may
find that the journal total listed for your checking account isn't
the same as the one you calculated manually. By checking back in
the Full Journal Listing, or by printing a Single Account Listing
(Section 4.5.3), you may find the error and correct it. If you
want to make sure the new total is correct, without having to pump
out all the paper involved in a Full Journal Listing, select the
Totals Only option. GL II will bypass the details and give you
just the Totals Page.
4.5.3 Single Account Listing
If you're having trouble finding an error in the totals on a Jour-
nal Listing, it probably will help to list the journal entries for
just a single account.
To do this, press <S> when you get the Journal Listing bulletin.
GL II will let you enter an account number, or search for an
account by number, by name, or with the arrow keys.
Once you've selected an account, if the account has transactions
in the un-posted part of the journal, they'll be printed. Each
line on the report shows voucher number, folio, date, description,
and amount. At the end of the report, GL II prints the net change
represented by the transactions.
Section 4 Journal
4.6 Posting the Journal
Before the transactions associated with your vouchers can show up
in GL II's financial reports, you must post the Journal. Posting
adds the amounts in the various transactions to the appropriate
account balances, and links the transactions to the accounts so
that the Transaction Report can show them in their proper places.
Posting also computes the Profit and Loss amount that will show up
in your Balance Sheet.
To post the journal, press <4> from the Journal Menu. If the
Supervisor's Password has been activated (Section 2.6.6), and if
you haven't given GL II the Supervisor's Password, GL II will ask
you for it.
Once GL II is satisfied that you're authorized to post the Jour-
nal, it will say "Press <Enter> when printer is ready or <Q>uit".
Make sure the printer is connected to the computer, is turned on,
and has sufficient paper in it. Then press <Enter>. GL II will
post the Journal and will produce a Posting Report almost identi-
cal to the Full Journal Listing described in Section 4.5.1.
You may post the journal as often as you want to. Each time you
post, the Posting Report will begin with the page number after the
one used on the last page of the last posting. When you finish
the month, all your postings should go together as a single, con-
secutively numbered report. Missing pages indicate a problem, as
do missing voucher numbers.
Section 5 Reports
GL II's reports section allows you to print standard financial
statements. To get to the reports section, press <2> at the Main
If you've activated passwords (Section 2.6.6), and have entered
the system with the Data Entry Password, GL II will require you to
enter either the Supervisor's Password or the Master Password
before it will give you the Reports Menu.
If the Journal hasn't been posted, GL II will beep at you, say,
"*** Journal is not posted ***",
and refuse to let you into the Reports program.
In order to insure a proper audit trail, GL II insists that you
print at least one complete Transaction Report, Income Statement,
and Balance Sheet before it will let you close for the month. The
other reports available through the reports section are optional.
5.1 Transaction Report
The Transaction Report is equivalent to the account sheets in a
manual ledger. The main difference is that GL II's transaction
report collects the transactions for each account, month by month,
while a manual ledger page continues entries for a given account
month after month until the page is full.
To print a Transaction Report, press <1> at the Reports Menu.
GL II will ask how many copies you want. To continue, make sure
the printer is connected, and press a digit key -- 1 through 9.
If you decide not to print the report after all, press <Enter>.
GL II displays the message, "Press <S> once to stop printing". If
you press <S> or <s>, GL II will beep, say,
"*** Interrupt Acknowledged ***",
and quit printing as soon as it can. If you stop printing in the
middle of a report, you won't be able to pick up again where you
left off. You'll have to start over again.
Section 5 Reports
The Transaction Report is segmented by the category headings you
defined with "LCONFIG" (Section 2.6.2).
Only detail accounts figure in the Transaction Report, since these
are the only accounts to which you may post a transaction.
Each account entry begins with a line that contains the account
number, account name, prior balance, net change, and current bal-
ance. The account line begins at the extreme left of the paper,
and is set off with surrounding single lines across the page.
After the account line, GL II prints all transactions during this
period that affected the account. Each transaction line includes
voucher number, folio, date, description, and amount.
Transaction lines show debits and credits by left or right posi-
tion in the amount columns. Account lines show debits as plain
numbers, and credits as numbers with "Cr" appended to the right
5.2 Income Statement
The Income Statement is a Profit and Loss report. Only revenue,
cost of goods sold, and expense accounts figure in this report.
To print an Income Statement, press <2> at the Reports Menu. The
mechanics of printing the report are the same as for the Transac-
tion Report. If you start to print and then change your mind, you
may stop printing by pressing <S>.
Each account is printed, even if it has no balance. Subordinate
accounts (Section 2.1.5) are grouped with their master accounts.
For each account, the Income Statement shows a balance at the end
of the previous month, a net change for the current month, and the
total for year to date. The totals in master accounts are the
grand totals of all their subordinate accounts.
Each of these figures is followed by a percentage that relates the
figure to total revenue.
The Income Statement is segmented by the category headings you
defined with "LCONFIG" (Section 2.6.2). GL II totals the amount
in each category, at the end of the category.
At the end of the Income Statement, GL II prints a "Total Revenue"
amount. If you're using Cost of Goods Sold accounts, GL II fol-
lows "Total Revenue" with "Cost of Goods Sold", and "Gross Pro-
fit", which is Total Revenue minus Cost of Goods Sold. Finally,
GL II prints "Total Expenses" and "Net Profit".
Section 5 Reports
GL II knows which sections of the Income Statement contain credit
accounts, and which contain debit accounts. Amounts in the vari-
ous accounts normally are shown as simple numbers, without debit
or credit indicators. If a debit is reflected in a credit
account, or a credit is reflected in a debit account, however, the
Income Statement will print the amount inside parentheses. In
other words, a credit of $5.12 in an expense account will be
printed as "(5.12)". This same convention is used in the grand
totals. A net loss of $583.23 would be printed as, "Net Profit:
5.3 Balance Sheet
GL II's Balance Sheet is segmented by the asset, liability and
capital categories you established with "LCONFIG" (Section 2.1.4).
Totals, however, are for category types. For example, if you have
three asset categories, GL II will print the category heading for
each, followed by account information for each account within that
category. When all three categories have been printed, GL II will
print a "Total Assets" figure.
Each Balance Sheet account line shows the account number, account
name, and a dollar figure in Debit (left) or Credit (right) column
format. Subordinate accounts are grouped with their master
The total for each category type, "Total Assets", "Total Liabili-
ties", "Total Capital", and for the balancing summary, "Total
Assets and Capital", is printed without reference to whether it is
a debit or a credit.
5.4 End of Month Reports
To avoid waiting around to push buttons so that your computer can
print its next mandatory end of month report, GL II provides an
"End of Month Reports" feature that lets you print from one to
nine copies of the Transaction Report, Income Summary, and Balance
Sheet, with a single command. To print all reports, press <4> at
the Reports Menu. GL II will ask how many copies you want, and
will proceed to print that number of copies of each report in
turn. If you made a mistake and want to quit printing, press <S>
just once.
5.5 Single Account Summary
GL II's Single Account Summary does, for a single account, what
the Transaction Report does for all accounts. To use the feature,
press <5> at the Reports Menu, tell GL II which account you want
to summarize, then indicate how many copies you want to print.
Section 5 Reports
The format of the Single Account Summary is identical to the for-
mat used for the Transaction Report.
5.6 Trial Balance
The Trial Balance is a combination of the Balance Sheet and Income
Summary. The Balance Sheet prints asset, liability, and capital
accounts. The Income Summary prints revenue, cost of goods sold,
and expense accounts. The Trial Balance prints all accounts.
Each account line in the Trial Balance shows account number,
account name, and account balances for "Year to Date" and "This
Month". Balances are in debit (left), credit (right) column for-
The Trial Balance totals all balances as it goes. Since GL II
won't let you enter an unbalanced voucher, the only way your
accounting system can get out of balance is if a power surge,
static electricity, or some other machine anomaly damages GL II's
data. When you print a Trial Balance, check the "Balance" figures
at the end of the report. If they aren't both zero, something has
gone seriously wrong. Data recovery, described in Section 8, will
correct an imbalance.
5.7 Department Reports
If you've used departmentalization in your accounting system, and
want a Transaction Report, Income Statement, or Balance Sheet for
a single department, or series of departments, press <7> at the
Reports Menu. GL II will ask you for the number of the department
you want, and will take you to a new menu with four numbered
If you've departmentalized, each department will be represented by
a one or two digit number after the decimal point in account
numbers, and each segment of your accounting system will have a
similar account for each department. When GL II asks you for the
department number, enter an integer rather than a decimal point
followed by an integer. In other words, if you want a report on
all accounts that end in ".8", answer the "[Department Number]"
question with "8", not ".8".
A department Transaction Report, Income Summary, or Balance Sheet
is identical to the corresponding "all accounts" version of the
report, except that it will deal only with the accounts in your
chart of accounts that end in the department number you requested.
To change to a different department from the Department Reports
Menu, press <4>. GL II will ask you for the new department number
you want to work with.
Section 6 Accounts
When you press <3> at the Main Menu, GL II takes you to the menu
that allows you to enter new accounts and delete or edit existing
Before you begin to enter accounts for the first time, you should
have designed your "Chart of Accounts", as discussed in Section
6.1 Adding New Accounts
When you press <1> at the Accounts Menu, GL II displays a screen
with account information captions at the top, and the numbers and
names of the first sixteen categories you defined with "LCONFIG"
(Section 2.6.2) at the bottom.
6.1.1 Account Number
GL II's account numbers consist of a four-digit base number, fol-
lowed by an optional decimal point, followed by a one or two-digit
detail or department number. "1000" is a valid number, as is
"1000.2" or "1035.28". "235" isn't a valid number because it's
only three digits long. "103.2" isn't valid, because its base
number is less than four digits. "1032.835" isn't valid because
its detail number is more than two digits long.
Begin entering a new account by typing the account number at the
"Number" prompt.
If the number you entered duplicates an existing account number,
GL II will warn you and return to the "Number" prompt.
If the number you entered contains a decimal place, followed by a
one or two digit integer, GL II will check to see if it can find
the "master account" for this "subordinate account".
For the number to be acceptable, GL II must be able to find an
account with the identical base number, and no subordinate account
extension. In addition, the account must have been designated a
"master" account (Section 6.2). If GL II can't find a "master" or
"parent" account that meets these specifications, it will beep,
*** Can't find master for this account ***
Section 6 Accounts
and return to the "Number" prompt.
6.1.2 Account Name
Once you've entered a valid account number, GL II will ask you for
an account name. You must enter a name. If you decide to start
over at this point, press <Enter>.
If you've entered a new account with a four-digit number, GL II
will go on to the "Category" question. If you've entered a subor-
dinate account, as soon as you finish typing the name, GL II will
display the account's number, name, category, type, and the number
and name of its "Parent Account". The category assigned by GL II
will be the category
GL II also will turn on selection numbers next to the "Number" and
"Name" captions. At this point you may change the account number
or the name, or delete the account. If you change the account
number, the new number must have the same base number you started
If you want to delete the account and start over, press <D> or
<d>. GL II will ask if you really mean it. If you answer <Y> or
<y>, GL II will delete the entry and go back to the "Number"
prompt. To accept the new account, press <Enter>.
After you've entered an account name, GL II will ask for a
category. Enter the number of the category this account belongs
in. If you've defined more than sixteen categories (Section
2.6.2), and if the category you want isn't visible at the bottom
of the screen, press <S> or <s>. GL II will re-draw the bottom of
the screen to show the sixteen categories that weren't visible.
Account categories must remain in sequence. If you have an
account number 1000 that's an asset account, and an account number
2000 that's a liability account, account number 1023 can't be a
revenue account, and account number 2010 can't be an asset
account. If you try to assign an out-of-sequence category to an
account, GL II will beep, say,
*** Category is out of sequence ***
and wait for your next move.
Likewise, if you enter a category number that's less than one or
more than 32, GL II will say,
*** Invalid category ***
If you try to assign a category you haven't defined, GL II will
Section 6 Accounts
*** Category Not Defined ***
6.1.3 Account Type
As soon as you've entered a valid category, GL II will display the
name of the category you've selected, will place the word,
"Detail" next to the "Type" caption, and will turn on selection
numbers next to the "Number", "Name", "Category" and "Type" cap-
At this point you may press <1> to change the account number, <2>
to change the name, <3> to change the category, and <4> to toggle
the account "Type" back and forth between "Detail" and "MASTER".
By default, your new account is a "detail" account that will
accept transactions posted to it. If you intend to use the
account as a "master" account which will summarize the totals of
transactions posted to subordinates, press <4> and toggle the
account to "MASTER" type.
At this point you may use <D> or <d> to delete the account and
start over, or <Enter> to accept the new account.
6.2 Editing Accounts
If you press <2> from GL II's Accounts Menu, you'll get a display
almost identical to the one used to enter new accounts. This
time, however, an account will be displayed at the top of the
screen, and you'll be able to search for the account you want to
edit by entering a number or a name, or using the arrow keys to
move up and down through the account sequence -- either numeri-
cally or alphabetically. The search options are the same as they
are when you select an account at the Journal's "Account Number
Entry Level" (Section
When you find the account you want to edit, press the <F1> key.
If you're allowed to edit the account, GL II will turn on selec-
tion numbers next to the elements you ordinarily may edit.
There are many restrictions on what changes you may make in your
accounts. Generally speaking, if the Journal has been posted, and
if an account has no balance and no transactions associated with
it, you may delete the account, or edit any of the elements with
selection numbers.
If the Journal is not posted, or if the account has a balance, or
associated transactions, or if the account is a Master with one or
more subordinate accounts, you won't be able to delete it or
change its number.
Section 6 Accounts
In virtually all instances, you may change an account's name.
Note that the account's balances for "This Month" and "Year to
Date" are displayed in the top part of the screen. Debits are
shown as numbers with no notation. Credits are shown as numbers
followed by "Cr". You may not change these amounts directly. To
change them, you must enter transactions through the Journal pro-
6.3 Listing Accounts
If you press <3> at the Account Menu, GL II will display a new
menu with six selections on it. Two of them are for listing "all
accounts", two are for listing "detail accounts" only, and two are
for listing "department accounts".
6.3.1 All Account Listings
You may print a list of all accounts either in numeric or alpha-
betic sequence. In both cases, the lists are columnized on the
page. When you call for an account listing, your computer may
take a moment or two to format the columns before it begins to
If you call for a numeric listing, GL II will use the categories
you've defined (Section 2.6.2), as headings. The numeric listing
also groups subordinate accounts with their parent accounts.
In both listings, master accounts are identified with the symbol,
6.3.2 Detail Account Listings
"All account" listings include accounts that won't accept transac-
tions. If you want to print a list of just those accounts that
can accept transactions, select a numeric or alphabetic detail
account listing.
6.3.3 Department Account Listings
If you've used departmentalization in your accounting structure,
GL II will allow you to print numeric or alphabetic account lists
for individual departments. Department selection is similar to
the department selection described in Section 5.7.
Section 7 Closing
Closing is the process that clears all information in GL II's
Journal back to "year to date" balances in the accounts, and then
deletes the Journal. When closing is complete, GL II is ready for
a new month, or a new year.
If you've used the password protection feature (Section 2.6.6),
you must use the Master Password to enter the Closing portion of
GL II. If you entered the Master Password when you started, GL II
will switch you to the "Closing Checklist" when you press <4> at
the Master Menu. If you entered the Data Entry Password or
Supervisor's Password, GL II will ask for the Master Password
before it will allow you to proceed.
7.1 Closing Checklist
When you enter its "Closing Checklist" portion, GL II will list
four actions that must be taken before you may close. The status
of each action is indicated by "YES" or "NO".
If the Journal hasn't been posted, you may post it by pressing
If any of the required reports hasn't been printed, you may print
a single copy of the report by pressing the appropriate number.
Be sure the printer is connected and turned on before you do this,
because GL II begins printing as soon as you press one of the
report numbers.
Once all four necessary actions have been carried out, GL II will
present a fifth selection number that will let you close.
7.2 Closing
When you press <5> at the Closing Checklist, GL II reminds you
that you should back up your data before you close, and gives you
a chance to change your mind.
There are two reasons for this. First, since there are so many
things to be done during the process, closing can take several
Section 7 Closing
minutes. If anything, such as a power failure, interrupts the
closing process, your data will be corrupted. Second, if you want
to be able to print financial reports from earlier periods, you
MUST save a copy of your data, as it was at the end of the period
of interest.
(y/n)" question with <Y> or <y>. If you've reached the end of
your fiscal year (as defined in Section, GL II will
notify you that it's ready to close for the year, and ask if you
want to continue. Again, you'll have a chance to change your
Monthly closing adds the "This Month" total in each account to the
"Year to Date" total, then zeroes the "This Month" total.
Yearly closing carries out the monthly closing process on each
asset, liability, and capital account, then zeroes both the "This
Month" and "Year to Date" totals in each revenue, cost of goods
sold, and expense account. As it goes, GL II adds up the balances
it found in each of these "income statement accounts", and adds
the total to the "Income Summary" account (Section
After closing the accounts, GL II deletes the "VOUCHER.DAT" and
"JOURNAL.DAT" files and re-starts them.
Section 8 Data Recovery
GL II is extremely resistant to data loss. It's very unlikely
you'll lose data from your system unless you mix data disks from
different sets, or experience a power loss while you're actively
entering data. Even if one of these things happens to you, it's
still likely you'll be able to recover nearly everything with
GL II's "LRECOVER" program.
8.1 Error Messages and Error Diagnosis
GL II contains two kinds of error messages: those dealing with
failures in the system, and those dealing with corruption of your
8.1.1 System Errors
System errors fall into two categories. The first kind of error
usually occurs while GL II is being set up, and involves system
limits that haven't yet been defaulted properly. Not Enough Memory
GL II begins its run by asking the operating system for enough
memory to store its records and key files. If your computer
hasn't enough memory, or if you've committed too much memory to
"resident" programs or "ramdisks", GL II will say,
Not enough memory to complete
If this happens, you'll have to add memory to your system or
reduce the amount of memory you've committed to other uses. Couldn't Open ...
If you get a message saying GL II couldn't open one of its files,
check the following list of possible errors:
If GL II couldn't open "LCONFIG.DAT", the file isn't in the
default directory. Check to see what directory you're in.
Chances are it isn't the directory you thought you were in.
If GL II couldn't open a data file other than "LCONFIG.DAT",
chances are, the "path" defaults discussed in Section 2.6.5 aren't
pointing to the proper disk or directory. Find out where the data
Section 8 Data Recovery
file is that GL II couldn't open and re-set the "path" default.
If you're trying to configure GL II, using "LCONFIG", and you get
a message saying, "Couldn't open LCONTROL.DAT", you've probably
moved "LCONTROL.DAT" to a new disk or directory before telling
GL II where you were moving it (Section 2.6.5). Check the path-
name in the "Couldn't open" message, and move "LCONTROL.DAT" to
where GL II thinks it is. Couldn't Read ... or Couldn't Write ...
If you get a message saying that GL II couldn't read or couldn't
write a particular record, either something has gone wrong with
your computer system, or the disk you're working with has
developed a mechanical or magnetic flaw. Try again. The problem
may have been transient.
If you try again and things work properly, make a backup immedi-
ately, and plan to switch to a different disk as soon as possible.
The problem may have been a floppy disk that's developing a mag-
netic "weak spot"
If you try again and things don't work properly, data recovery,
discussed below, may still solve the problem. If so, make a
backup and switch to another disk after you've gotten your data
8.1.2 Data Errors
GL II continuously checks to make sure your information hasn't
become corrupted in such a way that further work will destroy good
data. If something's wrong, you'll probably get a message telling
you you've lost data.
8.2 Recovering Lost Data
If you experience signs of lost data, leave your GL II disks con-
figured as they normally are, turn on your printer, and type,
"lrecover". GL II's "LRECOVER.EXE" program will begin running and
will give you a series of messages and rows of dots on the screen.
The messages and dots are to let you know that LRECOVER is still
running, and to allow someone familiar with GL II's design to
diagnose any problems that might arise with the recovery program
If LRECOVER encounters an error, it will send a message to the
printer, informing you of the kind of error, and the action the
program is taking to correct it. These printer messages are "buf-
fered" during LRECOVER's run. Unless there are a lot of them,
chances are that the printer won't begin running until LRECOVER
Section 8 Data Recovery
If LRECOVER finds transactions that aren't associated with a
voucher, it will create a new voucher and assign the transactions
to that voucher. Once you've posted the new journal entries
created by LRECOVER, you'll be able to print a transaction report
that contains the recovered transactions. If you've been faithful
about making "folio" entries, chances are you'll be able to track
down the origin of the "lost" transactions.
If LRECOVER finds transactions that aren't associated with a
currently valid account, it will assign them to the Voucher
Difference account. Again, a check of the transaction report
probably will tell you who the "lost" transactions really belong
Finally, if LRECOVER finds an overall imbalance in the general
ledger, it will create a single transaction, associate it with the
next voucher, and put the result in the journal.
If the printer prints error messages during LRECOVER's run, post
the journal immediately after the run is over. If you edit the
voucher(s) created by LRECOVER, you'll almost certainly throw
everything out of balance again, requiring another recovery run to
correct the new problems.
8.3 Backups
The fact that GL II has an "LRECOVER" program shouldn't keep you
from making backups. LRECOVER can't recover data from a disk
that's been mechanically or magnetically damaged. If you use a
ball point pen on your disk labels, or if you have a lot of static
electricity in your office, it's almost a sure thing that the day
will come when LRECOVER can't recover your data. On that day,
your backup procedures will pay off in a big way.
Account categories, 9, 44
name, 44
number, 43
type, 45
detail, 10
editing, 45
listing, 46
Alphabetic search, 32
Arrow keys, 32
Asset accounts, 7
Asterisk on transaction line, 35
Automatic balancing, 34
Balance forward, 4
Balance sheet accounts, 6
Balance sheet, 41
Balancing entry, 35
Balancing, automatic, 34
Canceling a voucher, 33
Capital accounts, 7
Cash journal entry state, 31
Categories, account, 9, 15
Change period ending date, 26
Chart of accounts, 4
Check numbering, automatic, 31
Check register entry state, 31
Closing checklist, 25, 47
Control codes, printer, 18
Cost of goods sold, 9
Couldn't open ... , 49
Couldn't read ..., couldn't write ... , 50
Credit, 4
Date, transaction, 28, 30
Debit, 4
Defaults, system, 17
Department reports, 42
Departmentalization, 5, 10
Description, transaction, 29, 34
changing, 33
Detail accounts, 10
Difference display, 29
Double data disk system, 14
accounts, 45
transaction, 33
vouchers, 36
End of fiscal year, 17
Entry signal,
changing, 33
definition, 28
Equity, owner's, 7
Error messages, 49
Escape key, 30
Expense accounts, 9
File paths, 19
Finding an account, 32
Fixed disk system, 14
Folio reference, 33
definition, 28
entering, 31
General journal entry state, 30
Hard disk system, 14
Income Summary account, 8
Income statement, 40
Income statement accounts, 8
Journal, 25
Liability accounts, 7
Limits, system, 3
accounts, 46
journal, 36
single account, 37
Master accounts, 10
Name, company, 15
Not enough memory, 49
Numeric search, 32
Passwords, 20
Posting reference, in Cash Journal, 31
Posting the journal, 27, 38
Printer control codes, 18
Profit and loss account, 7
Prompt line, 15
Recovering lost data, 50
Requirements, system, 3
Search, numeric and alphabetic, 32
Security, 11
Segments, accounting system, 6
Single account,
listing, 37
summary, 41
Single data disk system, 14
Stop printing, 39
Subordinate accounts, 10
Transaction, 25
definition, 27
report, 39
window, 33
Trial balance, 42
Voucher, 4, 25
canceling, 33
definition, 27
number, 28
Work state, 27
Year end, fiscal, 17